- for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. - 2 Peter 1:21
Moved by the Holy Spirit means that they were led, directed, or carried along by the Holy Spirit. This moving is what is known as the superintending or divine directing of the Holy Spirit.
Though there are portions, such as the Ten Commandments, which were dictated and recorded word-for-word, most of the Scriptures were not dictated. In other words, these holy men were not passive instruments or secretaries. God allowed their personalities and vocabularies to express His Words. This can be seen in the various writing styles of the Bible. John’s writings reflect the style of a fisherman — simple and straightforward. Luke’s writings reflect the style of a doctor — sophisticated and detailed. Paul’s writings reflect the style of a lawyer — philosophical and challenging.
Since the Holy Spirit superintended the human authorship, God’s Word was recorded without error in the original autographs. Autographs refer to the original documents of Scripture. While there are no known original documents in existence, we do have apographs or copies of the originals. It is essential to understand that inspiration only applies to the original writings or autographs.