One, Jesus is the heir of all things and therefore has the authority to be the final revealer of His Father’s revelation.
Two, Jesus made the world and as its Creator, He controls God’s plan and has the authority to reveal it to humanity.
Three, Jesus is the radiance of His glory or the visible manifestation of God. As, the visible manifestation of God dwelling among humanity, He reveals God and His word to humanity.
Hebrews 1:2-3 continues with the fourth qualification.
- And He is… the exact representation of His nature, - Hebrews 1:2-3
Four, Jesus is the exact representation of His nature. The phrase exact representation, occurring only here in Hebrews 1:3, translates the Greek term charaktḗr. It denotes something that is an exact copy or exact likeness. The term originated from the engraving die used in making coins. The die would be pressed against the metal and, when removed, would leave behind an exact copy of the image.
Nature (hupóstasis) refers to the substance or essence of someone or something. Jesus is the exact copy of God’s nature or essence.
- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. - Colossians 1:15
Whatever God the Father is, the Son is the exact copy of Him. The Father is holy. Hence the Son is holy. The Father is righteous; ergo the Son is righteous. Everything true of the Father is true of the Son. Hence, Jesus is God and has the right to speak as God and reveal His word.